Antineoplastic Pharmacology and Nutraceutics

The main research interests of Marzia and Emanuela focus on the study of the antiproliferative effect of new drugs and compounds of natural origin on tumour cell lines, with particular attention to the mechanisms of action of these compounds. Furthermore, they are also interested in the role of hypoxia and the tumoral microenvironment in the response of cancer cells to drug treatment.
In collaboration with the Chemistry and Photobiology group (prof. Enrico Caruso), they study the photodynamic effects of newly synthesized photosensitizing agents and, in collaboration with the Institute for the Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity (CNR – Bologna, dott. Greta Varchi e dott. Claudia Ferroni), they also study the anticancer effects of nanoparticles functionalized with different drugs. Furthermore, for several years they have been collaborating with the Università del Piemonte Orientale (prof. Mauro Ravera e dott. Elisabetta Gabano) in the field of the synthesis and characterization of new Pt(IV) derivatives. They also collaborate with Prof. Francesco Caruso at the Vassar College, USA, studying the antineoplastic effects of curcumin derivatives and other natural-origin compounds.

Staff and contacts

Find us: Villa Manara; via Manara, 7; 21052 Busto Arsizio (VA)